Dev to manager journal - Introduction

Hi, I’m Alvaro Lara, a software person that is going through a journey starting in 2009 as a software development to my current engineering management position at Onfido.

I decided to start writing a journal. The initial motivation is purely a selfish one, where I am trying to put my thoughts into writing and help me digest them. The second one is one where there may be some of the stuff I been going through that could help others in a similar situation.

My intention is to write every day and do a summary I can publish in this blog every two weeks to start with. Why two weeks? Excellent question, I am not sure I have enough interesting things to share in a shorter period of time.

I have already in mind a first few posts:

I will start publishing them in the coming week or so, and then move to biweekly releases. As I catch up with current times, I will write about various situations and topics that keep coming back. Things like Manager READMEs, conflict resolution, 1-to-1s, hiring, interruptions and focus work, and how much coding is ok (spoiler alert: I have no idea yet).

Thanks for reading!


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The developer years - Part 1

The first job was back in 2009 in my hometown: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sort of halfway in my Computer Science career, I got connected to a professor from the university that was looking for developers to work in a small... Continue →